What Is An Anxiety Attack?
Anxiety is a mental or physical reaction to feelings of fear or worry or stress. It generally occurs when a person has an idea about something going wrong regarding a particular situation. This article will cover how to deal with anxiety in some proven and effective ways.
There is no natural way to define an anxiety attack. It is often subjective, and people may think they are having an anxiety attack, but in reality, it could be a panic attack.
Experiencing occasional anxiety is pretty common when your physical and psychological health is threatened or in danger. But the question is, can these be the ones that lead to anxiety disorders that are much more extreme and volatile?
Anxiety disorders involve frequent episodes of intense feelings of worry or fear. These feelings are difficult to control and therefore interfere with a person’s daily activities. Most people try to prevent these feelings by avoiding certain places or situations.
The types of anxiety disorders include social phobia, separation anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety attack.
Signs of Anxiety Attack
Anxiety attacks are often easy to spot because most of them (or all) will show physical symptoms. However, everybody experiences this feeling differently. In extreme cases, some people may even feel a sudden disconnection between their bodies and mind.
Some of the common signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack include:
Physical Symptoms:
- Unnatural breathing pattern
- Muscle twitches
- Sweaty hands
- Dry mouth
- Giddiness
- Shaking
Mental Symptoms:
- Always anticipating the future
- Conflictual thoughts
- Irritability
- Fear and uneasiness
- Overthinking
- Upsetting flashbacks
What Causes Anxiety Attacks?
Commonly, every disorder has certain triggers. Anxiety is no different from it.
Some of the common causes are:
1) Medical condition: Whether you have an acute or chronic health condition, of which you have upsetting memories can undoubtedly cause anxiety attacks. This includes all your personal feelings, mentally as well as physically.
Talking to a close friend or someone willing to listen can help you manage your situation to a certain extent.
2) Low-nutritional or unbalanced diet: Balanced meals are of utmost importance for your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Food not only provides energy, but it also controls your psychological health.
Suppose your body doesn’t meet its nutritional requirements. In that case, you will eventually have excessive thoughts that lead to occasional anxiety and other mental health issues.
3) Environmental/personal problems: This includes all the stressful events you have been through in your life. Some common life events linked to anxiety are childhood abuse, the death of a close one, or dealing with violence.
4) Drug abuse/withdrawal: Most people use various drugs or alcohol to cover up their anxiety and depression. However, in the long term, misusing these drugs can take a toll on your mental as well as physical health.
Furthermore, you can also suffer from intense anxiety attacks when you stop using them all of a sudden. This process is the same for other substance abuse, such as tea, coffee, etc.
5) Negative speech or thoughts: How you speak and think about yourself has a tremendous impact on your well-being. Talking to yourself negatively in frustration can cause high levels of anxiety.
How To Calm Down From An Anxiety Attack?
Worrying a lot is not the only factor to cause an anxiety attack. In today’s generation, most of us feel anxious due to lack of exercise or sleep, an overdemanding schedule, problems at home or work, and an unhealthy diet.
So, this means that your lifestyle is significant in deciding your overall health. If it is unhealthy and stressful, you will be more anxious in your daily life.
There are various things you can do to calm your anxiety naturally. Let’s explore them one by one:
1) Writing Journals:
Writing down your everyday thoughts and emotions will provide a certain inward clarity. This will prevent you from having consistent negative thoughts and help you reflect on them with new perspectives. (1)
Writing is a great way to release hidden stress and overcome your psychological issues.
2) Physical Activities:
Activities like cleaning your room, hitting the gym, going for a walk, etc., are the most efficient ways to burn anxious energies. It also depends on how long you do them.
Exercising 30 minutes a day for five days a week can significantly improve anxiety and depressive conditions. Regularly engaging in physical activities release feel-good hormones in your brain that enhance your mood and overall sense of well-being.
3) Don’t Give In To Caffeine:
Research shows that people who have panic disorders and consume caffeine on a regular basis raise their levels of anxiety attacks and the risk of having panic attacks. (2)
Caffeine is a mood-altering drug. Foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, energy drinks, tea, cola, and chocolate, may worsen your anxiety disorders if you don’t limit their consumption.
4) Stick To Healthy And Nutritious Food:
A healthy and balanced diet is crucial because the type of food you eat every day significantly impacts your temperament. Junk food, artificial flavors, and high amounts of meat can interfere with your natural state of cognitive function.
5) Yoga And Meditation
Yoga poses and breathing exercises (pranayama) can help stabilize your subtle energy system by slowing down intrusive thoughts. Yoga is also believed to be a natural way to overcome deep-rooted fears and anxieties. (3)
Meditation is also an act of being that makes you exceptionally aware of your thoughts, moods, and various other conflicts in your mind. It produces a deep state of relaxation through inward silence and compassion.
6) Aromatherapy:
This interesting therapy involves different essential oils to promote good health and well-being. The most common way is to inhale them using a diffuser or apply them directly on the skin by diluting them with carrier oil.
These plant oils produce a fresh aroma that helps to ease stress and anxiety by promoting good sleep, mood, and a balanced heart rate. Various essential oils are effective in relieving mental stress. Some of them are:
- Lavender
- Grapefruit
- Bergamot
- Clary sage