There are a lot of practices that one can do to bring balance into every aspect of life. As the chakras get into a balanced state, one leads an exuberant and joyous life.
Certain practices like yoga, visualization, sound healing, being out in nature, and meditation help to activate them. Particularly, pranayama in yoga stimulates each and every chakra that results in the opening of nadis, so that the energy flows efficiently.
Balancing Root chakra: This is associated with the element Earth. It is the foundation for physical life. Striking a yoga pose Utkatasana (Chair pose) makes you feel grounded to earth, chanting the seed mantra “LAM”, going out and walking barefoot on the grass or soil, taking a cold shower, and visualizing the red color at the base of the spine will certainly activate Mooladhara.
Balancing Sacral chakra: It is associated with the element Water. As this deals with one’s creativity, emotions and relationships, the best thing to do is stop reacting to the situations around you. Chanting the seed mantra “VAM”, doing some hip-opening yoga poses and mindfulness meditation will help balance Swadishthana.
Balancing Solar plexus: This is related to the element Fire. Chanting the seed mantra “RAM”, being out under the sun, repeating positive affirmations about personal power and confidence, and getting over the past trauma will help activate Manipuraka.
Balancing Heart chakra: It is associated with the element Air. Seed mantra “YAM”, affirmations such as “I am open to love” and “i forgive myself and others”, deep breathing exercises will help stimulate Anahata.
Balancing Throat chakra: This is associated with Sound. Chanting the seed mantra “HAM”, speaking when needed, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas, and focusing on the breath going through your throat will help balance Vishuddhi.
Balancing Third eye chakra: This is associated with Light. Chanting the seed mantra “AUM”. breathing consciously, focusing on the third eye while doing practices like Shambhavi Mahamudra and regular meditation will help balance Ajna.
Balancing Crown chakra: It is associated with the Cosmos (source of creation). Expressing gratitude to the creation around you, meditating, and chanting the seed mantra “AUM” is beneficial for Sahasrara.
“Chakras are energy awareness centers. They are the revolving doors of creativity and communication between spirit and the world.” — Michael J Tamura